In a business where being screwed royally is as naturally occuring as cave formations, you kind of need to protect yourself. If you are as trusting as I am, you tend to want to trust the maniacal utterances of a dirtbag Managing Director or "Creative" Director. Don't. Get some one paper, and signed, no matter how small the job is. This is to make sure you are iron clad, whatever the outcome.Emails- detailing parameters for a think that would be enough, but electronic data can be more easily altered...therefore there is deniability. A signed contract less so. Due date, amount to be paid, what needs to be done, all should be addressed.
Dont get me wrong there are some honest bosses out there, that stand by their word and pay up what they owe. I love those few, and they get my best work. Whatever you do, always do your best, and if you see a company acting shifty, divorce them. To tell you the truth I don't always follow my rules...stubborn yes. I'm in contention at the moment with one particular company. Well they were a company. Latest victim of the Credit crunch? No...more like poor financial handling. They either give me the ring-around or dont respond to emails. Meh. As much as you get screwed however, you remember, the work is yours. Sign everything you put out.... one that is visible, the other embeded somehow and made a part of the design in the image (if possible). Thats what I do with my story art, illustrations and film.
Get it. Good.
Sum up,
Never put a company's needs above your own. You can tell alot about a man by how he runs his business. And if your boss is a righteous asshole, you, unlike other employees, have the privilege of severing all ties.
Grazie, douche-fag.
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