First, everyone's beefed up. 'C'mon England' from slurred, jagged toothed lips, the only time patriotism shines here is when there is confrontation. Flags are branded everywhere where they shouldnt be or the flag itself is branded. Oh the england flag... with the Sun written on it. Another flag... with Gillette. Oh so your flag barely covers you pubes. great stuff.
2nd phase- they all get behind one person. not the Team. It is one person that all their hopes and dreams are cradled in. Too many eggs in one basket. And the basket has a gaping hole. Rooney has been that in recent times. And before him, the Metrosexual. You know who I'm talking.
3rd Phase- The games begin and they arguably always seem to start off in an easy set, which they barely conquer or they get through on some technicality. Dumb luck? Underhanded dealings? No one knows. And I dont really care, because then comes phase 4...
Phase 4- True colors. The Pride becomes white hot, spewing hot. And quintessentially they have reached the quarter finals...maybe the semi finals...big MAYBE. And they lose.
Phase 5- Scapegoating. The team lost. that hope they put on the back of their golden balls or (laughably) the 'White Pele' falls terribly short. Some one has to be blamed. Against Argentina, Beckham was blamed. He received death threats and harrassed for his little kick. Then it was the coach following that. Who or what will it be this year? The black dude that broke the other black dudes leg? Commentators have already started pushing blame for the teams poor gaming towards the coach. The pumpumani ball? The problem child's comments at being booed? Who knows. But it will be interesting and unsuprising to see it come out in the end. Or maybe England will prove me wrong... maybe theyll start playing like a team.
Yeah, I have better sh*t to hope for.
Sum up,
Wise up.
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