Sunday 13 March 2011

"Harbinger, War-Bringer..."

It's all coming to a spear's head now. I've been slaving over an ebook for a while, and it's about 95% done. I had designed the pages previously with heavy graphics, but, being the researcher I am, read up on ePub format. Apparently, it's not the most flattering format in existence; text and images have to be placed inline- text then image then text etc. Here's what I'd love it to look at, but apparently the technology hasn't caught up with my brain:

So had to reformat the itch. I had to compromise the visual look things but in the end it looks good. On the plus side as well ebooks allow multimedia to be inserted. Video in an ebook? Totally an affront to God.

Blasphemy aside, the book will contain a three-piece animation as well as a finale Harbinger, animation I did back in 2008.

The book of poems should be a good read; will let you all know more. It's a self portrait of myself in many ways, so many of the videos and images depict me in some sense or the other. Here's one of the sketches I did to be used in the animated depiction of the poem Throne.

Few dabs of ink and pixels later:

Went through more alterations in Photoshop. Made my visage of that of a Zulu warrior. Self- aggrandizing behemoth. I look how Vinnie Paz sounds. "It's on now, I'm coming at you with machetes and hatchets/..."

Will be finishing this by next week so let's get it done.

Sum up,
Putting things to rest very soon. You can say I have become very effective at it.

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