Saturday 19 February 2011

By Crom!

I grew up on stuff like this. But as a young dude I never took care of my comics. Coloured in them. got torn. Lost. Re-found with the first 5 pages missing. Lost again. But with the remainder of what I had when I got older I really appreciated the art and literature. Even young back then when you'd think I'd gravitate towards books with colour, the black and white draftsmanship did more for me than any other book could. So sometime ago, I went on ebay and got some of The Savage Sword of Conan catalogue and geeked out. Well worth the dineros. But I have to say, I didn't remember Conan being so racially charged. The sexism, yeah that's a given. Disdain for sorcery and witchery- sure.  I guess its why they took a page from MAD and published themselves as a magazine rather that publish under the thumb of the Comic Code of Conduct. Creative bigoted bastards.

But with all that said, I'm back on the theme of sword play and this time things are gonna get done on Redman. Not to say I didnt make progress on it the last time I was chipping away at it... about a third of it is pencilled out. Just working on the other 2/3,

Sum up,
1000 years of success. I wish. On you. Friends. By Crom.

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