Saturday 26 February 2011

Superhero Showdown 2011: Thor vs. X-Men vs. Green Lantern vs. Captain America

Interesting read. Not sure I'm confident in Ryan Renolds to dawn the Green Lantern get up. Don't get me started on Captain America, he faught the Nazi, but according to Nazi doctrine, he would be the perfect man: white, blonde, blue eyes, lean and mean, and follows orders like a bitch. In any case, my money is on either X or Captain America. Followed closely by Thor (I'm going purely by the trailers I've watched months ago. But DC will always come out on top. They have messed up before but they have brought back their franchises back to the forefront. Xena for Wonder Woman! I digress:

Superhero Showdown 2011: Thor vs. X-Men vs. Green Lantern vs. Captain America

Sum up,
"In brightest day..." Superman has kryptonite. Batman, soul-shattering guilt and pain. How the hell can your weakness be the colour yellow!? But in a comic I read, an older, future Green lantern built, ruled and maintained an entire city with his mind without having to focus his power through the ring. Kudos.

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