Dear comrades, we find ourselves once again in this holy tabernacle of Creativity and Intellectual Thought. Did some boards for brighthands, known the directors for a while, always a pleasure doing business. They run Docheads as well, doc screening event on Brick Lane they hold i think. But we digress. Couple things doing... oh yeah befor that, boards for a GSOM promo- Management School...for managers:
Also my dear friends will be announcing the official release date and the cover design for the Harbinger Anthology. Really excited and anxious. Still need you to visit the group and the page join and like. We need all the support we can get. Just drop us a line through one of the various avenues on this side of the Blunts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just wrapping up a few things as per usual. Also once again, doing more material for Slick Flick. Apparently the previous stuff I did are up and live on the app. Wonder how they are doing commercially? Anyways, more stills taking, and comic making. Comic Life, you may have an iDVD feel, but you do what you say on the can. Came across this documentary, not a fan of the genre, but i really liked this one, a sad one really. Goes to show humans respect little of true culture.
Sum up,
Love life, and be safe.